Lilypie First Birthday tickers

All About Me

Hello all my Name is:
Harlow Harri
I got my name from my Mummy because she liked it the most whilst i was in her tummy and on most of my scan pictures was the words Har-low.

I was born with Down's Syndrome and a heart defect called a Complete AVSD

My Date Of Birth Is:
27th October 2011.

I weighed 7lb exactly when i was born by emergancy c-section at 37weeks in the Leicester Royal Infirmary.

I have Ginger hair.
(Mummy blames Daddy's Ginger beard)
and my eye's are Bluey/Green.

I live in a town called Melton Mowbray with my Mummy, Daddy and big sister Halle.

Because of my Down's and my Heart i have to spend lots of time in hospital but its ok because im Harlow Harri.