Lilypie First Birthday tickers

My Journey To Life

March 15th 2011 mummy was at work and had been feeling funny for about a week so she decided to buy a pregnancy test just to rule out pregnancy, she didnt think she could be as she had been taking the pill,  but there it was 2 lines on the stick       :-)  

Then there was the long wait till May 5th for my first ultrasound
Thats me at exactly 12 weeks old.

This is when Mummy and Daddy found out that my Nuctual Fold was to large and this made me a high risk for Down's Syndrome. (1 in 5 Chance)
If u look at my scan picture you can see what i mean (its the big black bit on the back of my neck).
To them this made no difference and i was there extra special little boy.

After this came loads of appointments for my Mummy and Me.
These where to measure her belly and keep an eye on my heart.
Mummy didnt mind all these ultrasounds because it ment that she got to see me more on the screan and get lots of photo's before i was even here :-).

Thats Me at 19 weeks.

Football feet or Ballet Dancer (Mummy & Daddy didnt no i was a boy here)

This was me at 31 weeks having a 4d real time scan,
Finally they found out i was a boy.
At this scan the consultant thought that my hand was clenched and he told my mummy and daddy that this ment i could be born with Edward's Syndrome, this made them very upset as babies that are born with Edward's are not compatible with life and they are taken away by the angels :-( This is when they decided that they would have an amnio test (a giant needle in mummy's tummy) this test was done at 35 weeks and would tell them if i did have Edward's. Mummy didnt like this test very much and neither did i, i kept moving so the consultant had to be very carefull where he was putting his needle, mummy did cry when he was doing this because it was very uncomfortable and she was upset and just wanted me to be ok. They had to wait 4 days for the results, they say it was the worst 4 days of there lives but the nurse rang and told mummy that i didnt have Edward's just Down's Sydrome and mummy was very very very happy and couldnt stop smiling. 
At 36 weeks Mummy and Daddy got told that because i may have needed extra care when i was born they was going to induce me at 38 weeks, This made them panic (well mummy anyway) because they still had stuff to buy for me and my nursery to sort out.

Well then it was 26th October and Mummy rang the hospital because i wasnt moving very much, they said come straight over, so off Mummy and Daddy went with my hospital bag just incase and Mummy got put on a monitor to see if i would start moving but i didnt and then they pricked Mummy lots of times with lots of needles. By this time her tummy was tightening and she was becoming very uncomfortable. Because i still wasnt moving after hours of being on the monitor they then decided to put Mummy on a drip (this should have made me move) well this didnt work either so in came the surgeon and said my heart rate was to low and they needed to take me out by this time it was 23.30 and they where both very tired.....A quick emergancy C-Section later (Mummy may dissagree) and there i was at 00.16 on 27th October. 
This is Me just minutes old.