Lilypie First Birthday tickers

My Firsts

I had my first bath when i was 2 days old, this was in the hospital. The nurse bathed me whilst my mummy and daddy watched, i loved every minute of it.

 First the nurse washed my hair

I liked this very much

Aftre my bath i was very tired (i fell to sleep on the changing mat)

I have always been a lazy bum and slept through the night but mummy used to wake me so she could give me some milk because the doctor's said i needed to gain weight quickly. After my first week at home mummy started leaving me through the night, i go from 9pm till 6am when mummy wakes me.

My first christmas was very good, i spent in with my mummy, daddy and big sister Halle in our house. We had lots of visitors that day.

I got lots of presents and dressed up as santa.