Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday 27 April 2012

My First Hair Cut

When i was born i just had a tuft of hair on top of my head. Mummy tried and tried to flatten my tuft of hair down but nothing seemed to work. Eventually she got used to it and so did everyone else, this soon became my trademark Mohegan and people used to comment all the time about how cute it was. But my hair soon grew very long and no longer stuck up (which mummy didnt like) and mummy has been saying for a while that if I was a girl she would put it in a bobble, but I'm not so off it had to come. Well today she finally plucked up the courage and gave my hair the chop :-/

Tuesday 17 April 2012


So mummy and daddy say that I'm growing into a big boy now and am able to start trying yummy big boy food. At first I wasn't sure and because my mouth is smaller and I have a pretending tongue it was rather difficult But now we are finally getting somewhere. We get help from Jo, she is a speech and language therapist that also specialises in eating. She visits me because I have reflux (I'm sick when I drink my milk) she is going to get me a special physio chair ro sit in when im eating because I don't have much head control yet or any core strength and she said this will effect my eating, and we don't want that.

Operation Day

Well yesterday was ment to be my operation day so the nice doctors could fix my poorly heart but they couldn't do it because I caught the RSV Virus :-( This made me and my family very upset but I'm over my virus now and hopefully we won't have to wait to much longer for another date. Mummy said she is going to phone the hospital ward later to find out if they no what's going on yet as my christening is booked for May and we are hoping that it won't fall around that date.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Happy Easter

I had lots of fun over the Easter weekend, even though i did have a nasty cough. I was very happy that the Easter Bunny didnt forget me on Easter Sunday, i got 3 eggs and some lovely outfits.

 My MilkyBar Egg Was Yummy

Halle Got So Many Eggs, She Got Even More After This Picture Was Taken.
Mummy Say's When Im As Big As Halle I Will Get That Many :-)

Me & Halle Thought It Would Be Funny To Hide From Mummy

We Also Went For A Lovely Walk Around Rutland Water As Well, This Is Where Mummy & Daddy Are Getting Married. Im Going To Be A PageBoy :-) Then Mummy, Daddy & Halle Had A 3 Course Dinner, They Said It Was Very Yummy.

I Also Had My First Boat Trip On The Rutland Belle & I Really Enjoyed It.

A Little Behind

Im really sorry im rather behind with the blog but im a very busy little boy and have been in and out of hospital a lot lately. Me and Mummy are going to start updating things now X

Thursday 9 February 2012

Photo Time

On Saturday mummies friend Kate (she is going to be my god mother) came round and took some lovely photos of us on her big camera. Here are just a few of my favorites

 My Beautiful Big Sister Halle

 My Family

 I Was A Very Happy Boy

My Big Sister Halle With My Cousins Sklya & Ruby

Friday 27 January 2012

My First Blog

Well at the minute im in hospital again and my mummy is staying with me so we decided to start a blog because it gets rather boring in here. My daddy goes to work all day but he comes over every night to see us both and i get lots of cuddles. I haven't seen my big sister Halle since i got admitted to hospital on tuesday, this makes me and mummy very upset but she has to go to school so she is being looked after by our family.

 This is me in my cot at the hospital

Hello everybody